Battling with hearing aids

As we get better at lipreading, our friends and family tend to forget that we don’t hear so well. We need to keep reminding them to make sure we are looking at them when they talk to us. I have a friend who gets cross with herself every time she realises she has turned away so that I miss the punch line. Then she blames me because she says I “don’t look deaf”. Erm…?

Hearing aids do not produce perfect sound.

Part of getting used to new hearing aids is becoming accustomed to the strange quality of the sound they give us. I have just been ordering a new bathroom mirror by phone and spoke to a very helpful lady. But when I asked for her name it turned out I was talking to a man! The other day I thought for a minute they were talking about putting restaurants into space.

Three pensioners are sitting on a bench. One observes that it’s windy, the next says “no, Thursday” and the third says “me too, let’s go and have a beer”


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Census 2021 - Own Goal